We are a supplier of military antenna equipment to many countries and are now establishing ourselves as a manufacturer of military antennas for a number of European countries - with an agent in Turkey. We believe that our ability to design and manufacture will meet the needs of all customers. Our military antennas meet military specifications. We manufacture a wide variety of antenna jammers, handheld and manpack antennas, antenna goosenecks, antenna whips, and so on. With a Mast antenna - AM-D120-HA135-RA - the product meets MIL- standards, has a payload of 30Kg, a mast lifting time of fewer than 5 minutes, and can be performed with a Control box or hand-held controller. The product also includes an Emergency Button and an automatic stop system. Furthermore, the product MJ-05M06G03A-NF - one of the most popular today - is 1.5kg light, has high features, and is simple to install, with frequency levels ranging from 500MHz to 6GHz, 3DBi. Not only that, but for many years we have been a supplier of FT-7500 - Marine antenna for the region.

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本文來自: https://n.yam.com/Article/20220421495792FT-RF Antenna
    創作者 manikmp015m7 的頭像

    sleeve dipole antenna

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